Top Ten Tuesday Part Four: Books I Want In My Hands Right Now

This list is in no particular order at all, it's just the books I want RIGHT NOW!!! Without further ado, let's do this thing!

WARNING: This post contains excessive fangirling, unnecessary capital letters, and too much exclamation.

10) The Shadowhunter's Codex by Cassandra Clare
OH MY GOSH!!! This book is something that I have wanted since I saw it was a thing. How am I supposed to be a Shadowhunter if I don't have a copy of the Codex? In the margins are notes that Simon, Jace, and Clary have left to each other and there are drawings from Clary and it's just the most amazing thing ever and I would love to have it in my hands.

9) The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
I want this book so bad. I don't know that much about it, all I know is it has vampires. I did read the sample on my Kindle right after it came out and I was very intrigued and I WANT IT!!! The cover is also gorgeous in my opinion.

8) Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor
THIS SERIES. OH. MY. GOODNESS! It sounds so good and... TYPE THE WORDS JAYNE! I have heard so many wonderful things about this series, especially from Kat's channel on YouTube, Katytastic. She just raves about it and I want in on the fun too! I was a little hesitant when I heard about this book at first, but now I just WANT IT IN MY HANDS NOW!

7) Fangirl, Eleanor and Park, Attachments, and Landline by Rainbow Rowell
I want all of Rainbow Rowell's books they just sound like a good time. Out of them all, though, I want Fangirl the most. It just sounds like I would relate to the main character so well and I WANT IT! (Seems a common theme here).

6) Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
These books sound so cute and I am probably the only book reading girl in the entire universe who hasn't read this... so I want them. All of them.

5) The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
I want these first of all because of the assassins (aka my favorite thing ever) and pirates and second of all because the publishing company is going out of business and they won't be printing these books anymore which is very sad. I need to get this book before they are all gone because I got the second one, the Pirate's Wish for my birthday.

4) Poison Princess Series by Kresley Cole
I read a preview for this book because I heard it was hard to get into. I thought, "Well, I should read the preview to make sure I'll be able to get into it before I buy it." IT WAS NOT HARD TO GET INTO!!! The prologue was so enticing to me with being in the mind of the crazy guy that I don't know exactly who he is (I personally think his parts of the books, though there are only two in the preview, are hilarious, but that is probably bad since he kind of kidnaps girls and experiments on them. By the way, that is not a spoiler, you know in the first five-ish pages). I loved all of the characters and the craziness that ensues is great because I know nothing about Tarot cards, which is a huge part of this series, and it's interesting to learn about them as the main character does. IT'S JUST SO GREAT AND I WANT IT!!!!

3) The Lux Series  by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I LOVED Obsidian and now I want the rest of them so that I can enjoy them forever since I plan on living eternally so that I may read ALL THE BOOKS!!!

2) The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
I loved the 5th Wave and I want this one RIGHT NOW! I know it's already out, but it's kind of hard to buy books when you have zero dollars.

1) In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken
I LOVE THE DARKEST MINDS AND I WANT THIS ONE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! I do think that my grandma did get it for me for my birthday, though I don't know for sure. I hope she did though!

There it is. I apologize for the excessive amount of capital letters, but this just excites me so! Please comment below with any questions, suggestions, or any kind of awesome words!

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