Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's the End of 2014 Read-A-Thon Day 4

It's Day 4!!!!!!!!!! Today's host is Charlotte over at Bookmarks and Blogging so go check out her blog. If you would like to enter in today's game, just post click on the link above and comment your name and URL to your submission.

Today's game is called Psychic Or Not is to try to predict what will happen next in the book your are currently reading.

Since I am rereading a book currently, I am not going to predict anything since I know what is going to happen. I don't want to spoil anyone!

My read-a-thon hasn't been going too well. I haven't finished my first book yet which I started before the read-a-thon even began and I've been sick since day one. There are still eight days left, so hopefully things pick up. I'm almost done with The 5th Wave and I am going to try to finish it today. Let me know how your read-a-thon is going so far, hopefully it's going better than mine!


  1. Oh no, I hope you get well soon! I hope you enjoy The 5th Wave, I thought it was good considering I don't like aliens. :)

    1. I feel better today and I love the 5th Wave. I don't usually read alien books either, but I've really enjoyed the ones I have.

  2. i hope you feel better! i thought the 5th wave was really cool, i hope you're liking it too!

    1. Thank you. Unfortunately, since I posted yesterday, I've gotten worse, at least I feel worse. I finished the 5th Wave last night and I liked it as much as I did the first time, if not more because I could see that Rick Yancey told us about the "big twist" at the end, but no one realized.


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