September Wrap Up 2014

September was an okay reading month. I read a couple short books which makes my reading count look way bigger. I did read more than August, though, so that's an accomplishment.

Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The first book I read in September was Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I loved this book so much. I wrote a non-spoiler review so you should go check that out on the Reviews page, so I won't talk about it much. Just read this book. It's a great time.

Captured by Erica Stevens
I then read Captured by Erica Stevens. I enjoyed this book, though not as much as Obsidian. I was in a sort of not-of-this-world mood after Obsidian, so I pick up this book which has all sorts of vampire stuff going on. It was good, but it didn't blow me away, though I really want to continue on with the series. I wrote a review on this book as well, so you go check it out!

(Isn't the cover gorgeous???)

In Between by Jenny B. Jones
The next book I read was In Between by Jenny B. Jones. I don't know why I read a random contemporary this month, but I did and it was... interesting. It wasn't bad, but it didn't blow my socks off. There are a lot of crazy things going on in this book, especially regarding the main characters foster grandmother. I didn't really like how at first the main character doesn't want to be at the orphanage or whatever and wants to escape to the foster home, but then wants to go back to the orphanage as soon as she gets to the house, but after one day of rebellion, she likes her new house. She is just really mood swingy and that got on my nerves, but it wasn't a big deal. This book was also predictable. It was quite a ride, though and I did enjoy it. This book does have some things about Christianity, but I think in this book, it's not needed and it's kind of off putting. I am a Christian myself and I felt like the author wasn't trying to get readers interesting in learning more about the religion, just it is there as an obstacle of sorts for the main character. It's also not a huge part of this book, so I don't understand why it is technically under the Christian Fiction genre. But, the author does redeem herself in this aspect more towards the end.

Poison Princess Preview by Kresley Cole
I also read a preview for Poison Princess by Kresley Cole this month and I was absolutely pulled in. This world is great and so are the characters and I can't wait to finish it. I'm not going to have too much about my thoughts here in the wrap up because I already rambled on and on about it for the upcoming Top Ten Tuesday, so be on the look out for that.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
No, I didn't finish it, but I read enough to get my project done. I was getting more interesting towards the point I stopped, but I was kind of over it because I didn't want to do the project. I really want to finish it, though. (Don't I always say that?)

That's it! Not that much but I did do two reviews this month, which is good in my opinion. Sorry, but there will not be a TBR for the month of October. I feel like I was put in a reading slump last month, especially towards the end, so I don't want to set a goal too high for myself. If you read any of these books, comment down below and let me know how you feel!

1 comment:

  1. Well Done!! You read a good bit :) More than I did anyway :p I haven't read any of those books but I hoped you enjoyed them:)


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