So basically...
- Starts Tuesday, October 14th at 12:00 am wherever you live
- Ends Tuesday, October 21st at 12:00 am wherever you live
- Goal: To read a lot
- If you would like to participate, enter your name in the comments where you must include:
- Your name
- Town/City/Country where you will be participating from
- I will be posting updates in the next week on my progress
Here is my TBR for the Read A Lot-A-Thon
- Firehouse by David Halberstam (This is a priority because it is for school)
- Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
- The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michele Hodkin
- The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
- Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken (This will be a re-read for me)
- and if I have time, Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
So there it is! I hope you guys will join me because it'll be tons of fun!
I'll join!!! Sarah from YA Bookaholic. And I'm from Ireland. I can't say if I'll get a lot read cause it's a busy college week but hopefully I'll get al least 3 books read O.o
ReplyDeleteCool! Thanks!