Tuesday, December 2, 2014

November 2014 Wrap Up

Wow, I feel like I haven't done a wrap up in so long... ANYWAY, I decided to structure my wrap ups, hauls, and monthly TBR differently. I'm just going to mash them together into one big wrap up thing with other things as well... I know it must sound confusing because I'm terrible at explaining things (always have been), but I think it'll make more sense if I just got started.

Books Read
I had a really bad reading month... I only read three books.

I reread The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins for Across Blogs which is a thing I am doing with Sarah from YA Bookaholic which I'm sure that discussion will be up soon. 

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)

I also read Into the Wild by John Krakauer for English class and this was also the only book I read this month. It was okay, not completely awesome. I think I was more interested in Chris McCandless and the people he met and his journey than all of the stuff that was in the book. If you haven't heard of Chris McCandless, I think you should definitely look his story up because some parts of his story did touch me emotionally and the book was very impactful in some parts. 

Posts This Month
Considering this month was #BookBlogWriMo and I posted everyday, which I am pretty proud of myself about, I have posted a lot. I also posted things regarding a read-a-thon that will be in this post later and updates on my NaNoWriMo trial run. I lost. Even with my small goal of 30,000 words meaning 1,000 words per day. I am ashamed and still working on my novel. Anyway, let's link these posts! I also got a Twitter this month... YAY!!! @booking_awesome

There were not any events I, like, physically went to, but I did participate in some things...
- #BookBlogWriMo (Was a blast)
- Mini NaNoWriMo (I failed)
-The 'It's the End of 2014' Read-A-Thon got up and off the ground and we started some cool things

Next Month...
I will be participating in the read-a-thon mentioned above, so I will not be listing a TBR until the read-a-thon. Until then, I will be reading the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michele Hodkin for the December Across Blogs and I actually started reading it today and am hooked so...

I hope you guys like this format because it was easier to do, everything is all in one place for you guys, and I get to add blog news and stuff like that! I will see you guys soon with another post!

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