Sunday, November 30, 2014

#BookBlogWriMo 11/30- #BookBlogWriMo Wrap Up

It is so sad that #BookBlogWriMo is over! It is going to be so weird not posting everyday....

My laptop doesn't allow me to view blogs with a blogspot URL, so it makes it incredibly to link things that are on my own blog, so instead, I am going to just have all of the posts copied into this one so you can see them all!

11/1- History of Your Blog
I've only been blogging for three months (Really? Three months? It seems so much longer than that), so I don't really have that much of a history, but this is a prompt, so I MUST!

I started Booking Awesome August 8th, 2014. If you would like to check out my very first post ever in the history of ever, you can check it out here. I started my blog to reach out to other readers because I knew no one who read as much as I do in real life, which has happened and that's really amazing.

I didn't really do anything to get the word out, all I did was post my link on some of my Goodreads groups and those people have been really supportive and I found a great community over there. Also, when Sarah from YA Bookaholic nominated me for a Liebster Award, I got tons of views and that's really what got me where I am today.

See, didn't really have much of a history, but I want to change that. I want to do this for as long as humanly possible because I love it. I love blogging and I love all of the people I've met and all of the people who read my blog, but haven't yet left a comment. I can't wait to meet new people and maybe next year, I'll have more of a story to tell.

11/2- How You Read
Hello again! Here it is! Day two of #BookBlogWriMo!

I do very little as I read. I open up the book and read the words. Nothing special. Sometimes, if I know I want to review it later, I will take notes, especially if it's a book that I've reread and I'm going to review, I will take notes in my "Reviews" notebook, but I don't do that often.

I never write in my books. NEVER. I don't want anything to disturb my books. I want them looking the same as they did the day I received them. I even hate it when I read paperbacks and the cover gets all bent. I HATE THAT! I don't eat while I'm reading because I don't want food on my books. I hate it when the pages even get a little bent. I know I might sound crazy, but that's how I feel! I always use book marks for this specific reason, too. If I lend out a book and they dog ear the pages, I will go ninja on their face. I'm not joking.

I don't really care how I read the book. I prefer hardcover because they just look prettier on the shelves and the whole paperback cover thing. I do like E-Readers only because it's easy to carry around and you get the book at a lower price and instantly. I wish my Kindle worked, but it doesn't and it's too expensive to get a new one, but I don't mind the only have physical copies thing. I do read on my smartphone, too, because I can still get E-Books from Amazon on to my Kindle app and I can read it on the bus and not hurt someone when it comes to a sudden stop and my book goes flying. And I don't get judgmental looks from people. I know that, "You would rather read than be on the internet?" is the only thing going through their heads when I'm reading from a physical book. Also, a lot of E-Books are free!

I hope you enjoyed my post and I would love to know your reading rituals, so leave them in the comments! I will see you all tomorrow with another post.

11/3- Where You Read
Here is the post for #BookBlogWriMo Day 3!

I read a lot of places. Every morning on my commute to school, I read on the bus and then I read on the way home, too. That's where I get most of my reading done even though it is only, like, ten minutes. But, if I am reading at home, I will read in this big circle chair of comfortable-ness in my living room, or in my bed if I decide instead of Youtube, I will read before bed.

That's what the spot I read at home looks like basically all the time without me in it because someone had to take the picture, right? Usually, it's just my backpack (I had just gotten home from school) and Pillow Pet (yes, I'm a small child at heart), and my coat because it was cold here in America... like everywhere. It's crazy. People in Florida probably felt like they were freezing to death. Anyway, yes that is 1970's red shag carpet and wood paneling. We do want to change out the carpet and drywall, but we just haven't done it yet. For now, I say it just gives the room character.

I know this isn't a long post, but I can't really say all of these places I read because I don't go a lot of places. I don't even read at school because I don't have time! Anyway, if you would like to let me know where you read, comment down below and I will see you all tomorrow! (Wow, I can rhyme anytime. That was lame and I'm ashamed. If you get that reference, you are amazing.)

11/4- Why You Blog
Welcome to #BookBlogWriMo Day Four!

I blog to make friends.

I blog to share my love of books.

I blog because I know no one else who loves books the way I do.

I blog because I want to motivate someone who hasn't yet gotten the courage to start blogging or Booktubing yet.

I blog because it's what I love to do.

I thought it would be easier to give you a list because what I love about blogging is pretty self explanatory. I will see you all tomorrow!!!

11/5- Where You Blog
DAY 5!

I usually blog in one place and one place only. My living room. Specifically the big chair that I also read in. I don't know, I just can't blog anywhere else. Sometimes I'll blog right before I go to my first class at school, but not often. It just feels wrong trying to blog anywhere else.

Sorry, I had a difficult time uploading a picture because my internet has been going in and out and I need to look into that, but it's basically the same picture from 'Where You Read'!

Sorry this wasn't a very long post, but I would love to know where you blog and if you can only blog in one spot or you can blog anywhere. I'll see you all tomorrow!

11/6- #TBT Favorite Childhood Books
I actually made a whole Top Ten Tuesday about this! A few of them were books that I've read recently, but most were from childhood, but to name a few...

The Judy Moody Series by Megan McDonald
The Junie B. Jones Series by Barbara Park
Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson and
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Let me know in the comments some of your favorite childhood read and I will see you tomorrow!

11/7- #FlashbackFriday Blog's First Design
The overall design hasn't changed much since the beginning. The background and logo type part has stayed the same. The only thing that has changed a little is the sidebar. I got rid of two pages on the menu. I added the logos of two of the awards I have been nominated for and got rid of two little things on the side. Other than that, there has been basically no changes. I'm not one to change things.

Also, the way I organize the things I post has become a bit different. I changed the Reviews, Discussions, and Miscellaneous pages to alphabetical order so it was easier to find things. Other than that, no changes.

Let me know in the comments if you change your blog's design often or if you are like me and don't like change. I will see you all tomorrow.

11/8- Your Blogging Tool Kit
Now, I don't consider myself an expert on blogging by any means, but I do have some tricks and tools.

1.) Goodreads
I use Goodreads for almost every post. I use Goodreads to get the pictures I use and if you click on the pictures, it should take you right to the book's Goodreads page. 

2.) Links
I put links on everything. I like to make things easily accessible for you guys so it's super easy to find things and every thing is organized and great.

3.) Friends
Having friends in the blogging world is crucial. If you are doubting about putting up a post, then you can just ask your friends what they think before it's actually up. You can also get the word spread that way because they will tag you and nominate you... and tags are fun so you should definitely want to be tagged in those (and be able to tag other people).

I think that's it. I don't really do anything special or use any special program for blogging. I just use the things Blogger gives me and that's it. Let me know in the comments about some of the things in your blogging tool kit and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

11/9- Your Blogging Work Flow
I don't have any special things I do in my blogging process. There's just one thing...

When I link up a post, I have to use my phone because for some reason, my laptop doesn't like to look at blogs that come from Blogger. I can use Blogger just fine, but I can't look at blogs. I don't know, my laptop is old and I want a new one, but I would rather have new books. I have to copy the URL from Safari onto my notes and then type it and hope I don't type it wrong.

For rituals, though, I can only sit in the big chair in my living room and I have to blog before I do my homework. It just happens.

That's the only things that I do differently while blogging. If you do anything weird or super cool while blogging, comment down below. I'll see you guys tomorrow with another post!

11/10- Memes Your Meme
I don't do any memes. I know that's weird, but I don't. I know Top Ten Tuesday is a meme, but I don't participate in it, I come up with my own "theme" I guess you could say. I do see some memes that I like, but I've just never done them.

Wow, that was a short post. You should tell me down in the comments if you would like me to check out any memes or some that you think I should do and I will see you tomorrow with another post.

11/11- #TopTenTuesday Most Popular Posts
Today, I will be linking to my Top Ten Most Popular Posts! I have put them in order of least popular to most popular. LET'S DO THIS THING! And sorry, put I don't have time to put links in to all of the posts right now because I need to get going to school, but I will do it later.

10.) Back to School Tag
I was tagged in this tag by Athena at InToTheMindOfAReader who is also a great blogging friends and the creator of the tag, so you should go check out her blog as well.
9.) Book Life Tag
This another tag that I created and I had been thinking of for a long time. It was just great, you should go check it out.
8.) T.M.I. Tag
This was my first tag I believe and I had tons of fun doing it. I might do it again because my answers have changed and I also want to do the Book T.M.I. Tag, so look out for that.
7.) Liebster Award
This post was my answers to the Liebster Award given to me by Sarah from YA Bookaholic and it's actually the way I met Sarah I believe and now she's a great blogging friend so you should click on that link and check it out.
6.) #BookBlogWriMo 11/1- History of Your Blog
Yes, my very first #BookBlogWriMo post about the history of my blog has a lot of views.
5.) About Me
This isn't necessarily a post... it's a page, but it's only about me and it's been viewed quite often, so... yeah.
4.) Sisterhood of the World Blogger's Award
This is a fairly recent post because Sarah from YA Bookaholic gave me an award, so thank you Sarah!!!
3.) #BookBlogWriMo
Yes, my announcement of participation in #BookBlogWriMo has the third highest number of views for all of my posts.
2.) Update
This was an update that I posted talking about starting school and I didn't know if I would be able to post often. Thankfully, a lot of my blogging friends reached out and told me that blogging during school isn't too hard and that I would be fine.
1.) The Book Blogger's Tag
This is a tag I created myself. It's pretty cool and if you still want to do it, GO AHEAD! I tag you!

11/12- Advice for Newbie Bloggers
Now, I'm not an expert on this topic. I just started three months ago myself. So, my advice might not mean anything to you because you think I don't know what I'm talking about or it could mean the world to you because I'm in your shoes.

  1. Get to know other bloggers. It's a way to spread the word of your own blog and meet some amazing people. 
  2. Join groups on Goodreads. Most groups have a section for you to post a link to your blog, which makes this an excellent way to get views and complete number one.
  3. Be yourself. I know that probably sounds cliche, but it's something you should do. If your not yourself, it's off putting, at least to me. I like genuine people. 
That's all I've got for now and maybe as a become a more experienced blogger, I could have better advice. Thanks for reading. Tomorrow: Another Day, Another Post!

11/13- Your Review Process
This post is going to be super short. So, sorry, in advance.

I review my books as soon as I read them. I only take notes if I have thoughts that are actually worth writing down while I read, I take notes, otherwise I don't. When I review, I basically talk about all of the stuff I remember thinking about the novel and if I remember something later, I'll add it in.

See? Short. I will see you tomorrow with another post.

11/14- Your Rating System
My rating system is pretty simple I would like to think. I rate on a 1 to 5 star scale with decimals because I don't think just a normal 3 or whatever is enough to really signify love for a book in one number. I rate books on an individual scale. I don't compare books when I rate them. Each book is it own thing and shouldn't be compared to something else, even if it's by similarities. I'm not going to compare a picture book to the Darkest Minds to rate it. That's just illogical to me. I rate books simply on my enjoyment of them as well as the writing, plot, character development, and whether I liked the characters or not.

If I love everything about the books and it is simply amazing, I will give it 5 stars, but that rarely happens. I don't believe anything is perfect, including literature. But, if I want to give it 5 stars, I'll give it a 4.99, because it is as close to perfect as it can be.

I very rarely give a book 1 star, because if I don't finish a book, I don't rate it because I feel like I shouldn't because I didn't read enough of the book to form a solid opinion. If I really just hated the book, I usually give it 2 stars because I try to find the redeemable quality.

I think that's it on my review policy. I'll have another post up tomorrow.

11/15- Favorite Book Blogging Things
I love book blogging. It's perhaps one of the best things that ever happened to me. So, I think I will list the things I love most about it, but I'm not going elaborate once.

  1. The Community: I've made so many great friends and everyone just becomes so close. 
  2. It's an Available Past Time: When I've got nothing to do, it's always good to post some things on the blog.
  3. It's Fun!: I love looking at other people's blogs and writing for my own
  4. Tags: I love them, they are just so much fun to write.
  5. It Gives An Excuse For Reading: I know no one needs an excuse for reading, but if you should be doing something else, but you're reading instead, it makes you feel better because you are reading for your blog.
That's all I can think of in particular right now, but I love everything about the blogging world. I don't know how to explain it. I will see you all tomorrow with another post.

11/16- Least Favorite Things About Book Blogging
This post is going to be super short post because I love blogging and all the things about it. There is only one thing....


There it is! That's the whole post. Sorry it was so short and I will see you all tomorrow with another post.

11/17- Favorite Book Tropes
There are a few things in books that are must haves.

1. An Appealing Male Love Interest.............. If the person the author portrays as the love interest is annoying or rude or all of the other negative adjectives, I just can't get through the book. It's difficult to read if I just can't like the love interest.

2. A Non-Annoying Main Character............... If the main character makes stupid decisions, annoys me, and makes me face palm, the book is thrown away... okay, more like given away.

3. ACTION............... I have issues reading Contemporaries because I want some action up in there or something terribly dramatic.

4. At the same time, I want a cute romance............. If I can't get behind the main couple and argue that they are the best book couple ever, I just get annoyed when they are together, but I don't like too... passionate romances if you catch my drift.

I think that's it. There not necessarily cliche things, but those are things that I must have. They must be in my books. I will see you all tomorrow with another post.

11/18- Favorite Sub-Genres
For this one, I'm just going to make a list.

  1. Dystopian 
  2. Post-Apocalyptic
  3. Science Fiction
  4. Fantasy
  5. Adventure
  6. Road Trip Books (They're just so fun)
  7. Middle Grade 
That's it... it doesn't seem like a lot. Any way, I will post again tomorrow.

11/19- #WaitingOnWednesday TBR Books
I making a list for this one, too. I'm really into lists as of late. And on my Goodreads, I have 279 books on my TBR, so I'm only going to do the top ten.

1. In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken
OH MY GOODNESS! If I don't get this for Christmas (You hear this Mom?) I'm going to do something I might regret... or might not because I'll have the book. I just recently made one of my friends read the Darkest Minds and she hates me now because of the end and I can't get her the second book, Never Fade, until Monday. MWHAHAHAHAHA! (That was me evilly laughing in case you couldn't tell).

2. The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
I've heard mixed things about the second installment to The 5th Wave trilogy (I believe it's a trilogy at least). I fell in love with the first book and I waited a year for the second book and some people are disappointed, so I'm scared, but I still want to read it.

3. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michele Hodkin
I really want to read this book and I own it, too, but I have to wait until December when Sarah from YA Bookaholic and I will be reading it for Across Blogs, so I can't wait until December (also, you know, Christmas is in December, so....)

4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I was hesitant at first to put this book on my TBR list on Goodreads because I didn't really know much about it, but I know tons of people who love it so I want to read it too.

5. The Diviners by Libba Bray
This book sounds so creepy and awesome and I WANT TO READ IT!!!! Also, without a dust jacket, it is gorgeous. And I hear there's a second book coming out so I should read this soon.

6. Anna and the French Kiss companion series by Stephanie Perkins
I am probably the only girl in the world that hasn't read these books and I want to because it sounds so cute.

7. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
As you know from yesterday, I love road trip books and this one just sounds cute and at times serious as well and I want it to be read by me.

8. Stolen by Lucy Christopher
I don't know quite why, but this book has always sounded intriguing to me. Yeah, it'll probably freak me out, but it's worth it.

9. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
This book..... I JUST CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10. Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins
I loved Rebel Belle and it had a good closed ending, but there was room for more and there is going to be, so I'm excited!!!! I loved the cover for Rebel Belle, but I'm not feeling the same way about the Miss Mayhem cover.

(I kind of pictured a light purple background with a white high heel stuck in the wall or a pearl bracelet or something girly stuck to the wall with an arrow. Maybe that's just me)

There is my top ten TBR and I will see you all tomorrow with another post.

11/20- #TBT Best Books of 2014
All of the books I've read this year (Nearly 100) were great and I loved this all, but there have been, like 5, that really stuck out!

5. Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
I just recently read these and I enjoyed them so much!!!

4. Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I need the rest of the series in my hands right now.

3. The Infernal Devices Series and Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
I grouped these two together because they are by the same author and I wanted to save space so I could have more books on the list. I did read the bulk of the Mortal Instruments books this year and all the Infernal Devices books this year as well. They were great... obviously or they would not be on this list.

2. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
I loved this book with all my sole. Unlike some people, I didn't mind the romance, I just found it weird, but not off-putting if that makes sense. I loved all the characters and the mystery. I know that a lot of people saw the twist at the end coming, but I didn't for some reason, but I did know who Evan was the whole time... just saying.

1. The Darkest Minds and Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken
If I had to pick the better of the two, it would be the Darkest Minds, but I loved them both. I have a difficult time talking about these books without rambling, so I'm just going to move on now.

There it is! As I said, I did love all of the books I read in 2014, so if you would like to see all of the books I've read in 2014, go check out my Goodreads (there is a link on the Links page)

11/21- #FlashbackFriday Your First Reviews
I'm not the best at reviews and I haven't done that many, so basically all of the reviews on the Reviews page are the old ones.

The oldest ones are my review for The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey and The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken as well as a trilogy review for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

You should go over to the reviews pages and check them out.

That's all for today and I will post again tomorrow!!!

11/22- #ShowMeYourShelves
My shelves are quite interesting. I only have two shelves so I have to store the rest of my books in a dresser drawer. I would have gotten a picture of the ones in the dresser, but the lighting was weird and you wouldn't have been able to see anything.

This first picture here is just an overview of my shelves. That thing in the lower left hand corner is a giant stuffed polar bear that I got from a pretty cool person. And the stuffed animals on the shelves are actually book ends. I know it looks like a child's book shelf, but I am a child inside so it's fitting. If I had a real bookcase, though (which I hope I get one for Christmas) it would look so much cooler!

This is a closer look at the first shelf. That blue thing over on the left says "I Just Awesomed All Over the Place", so I had to have that. And the books in order are Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas, Horde by Anne Aguirre, Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan, The Pirate's Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke and Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken (I do own the Darkest Minds, but I was loaning it out to a friend at the time) and above that is the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins and Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne. And that hat there is my Los Angeles Lakers hat because as far as I'm concerned, they are the best.

This is a closer look at my second shelf where I like to house most of my hardcovers. Starting from the top and to the left is The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michele Hodkin, City of Bones movie edition, City of Fallen Angels, and City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare (I know it's weird that I don't have the whole series, but there is a super long story behind it that I would rather not tell right now, but I have read all of the series), then I have The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, Safe Haven, The Last Song, and Dear John all by Nicholas Sparks and The One by Kiera Cass.

And that's me in the middle, my mom on the left and my dad on the right. That was taken a few years ago, but I don't think I've changed that much, so... yeah.

THAT WAS MY SHELVES! I will see you all tomorrow with another post.

11/23- Book Boyfriend Criteria
Well, I would like to say there isn't much, but I feel like I have high standards... which isn't good, but if the guy is fictional, I can make him however I want! Now, let's get started.

FIRST, let's start with looks, because I want to get the shallow part over with!

I look like two types of looks, I guess you could say. I like the classic blond haired, blue eyed guy or with extremely dark brown hair or black hair with basically any colored eyes. And like, built... if that makes sense. I don't like too tall and slender because it just looks off to me, I like average height (maybe slightly taller) and well built. That is just... BWAHHH!

Now, for the personality stuff. He must have some kind of physical strength (I know that sounds shallow, but I'm a weakling and I need someone that could at least open up a pickle jar). He needs to be caring, compassionate, have a sense of humor (if he has no sense of humor, I do not no why I would want to be with him, just saying), like books, be protective (but not overly so), like road trips because I love them, like music, be giving, and you know... romantic just because. And really sweet. And smart. And friendly, almost to a fault.

Okay, I think that's enough and the major must haves. My favorite book boyfriend that I wish were real is Liam from The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. I love Liam and I want him in my life. And there's a bonus because he has super powers and another bonus because it's my favorite of all the super powers.

That's all I have for today. Let me know in the comments what your book boyfriend/girlfriend criteria is so we may gush together! Sorry this post is a little late in the day and I will have another post tomorrow!

11/24- Reading Cave Fantasies
I'm just going to post a ton of pictures for this one.

It's a Harry Potter, under the stairs, reading cave

That's my post, I hope you think these reading caves are as awesome as I think they are. Please comment down below what your reading cave fantasy is and I will post again tomorrow. 

11/25- How Do You Deal With Book Hangovers?
Hmmmm......... how I deal with book hangovers. NOT WELL. I usually can't read another book for at least a week if I really loved it. For instance, after I finish Never Fade, I reread both the Darkest Minds and Never Fade. Same with The 5th Wave. I just get really depressed and it's not cool and I don't like it! And I will just constantly think about the book. Being able to review books now makes it easier to get over the hangover, but it's still pretty bad.

That's all I've got for today, but I will post again tomorrow. Let me know in the comments how you deal with book hangovers.

11/26- Cheating on Books: TV and Movies
It's so sad to think that #BookBlogWriMo is almost over, but nevertheless, I will continue through me tears!

I'm just going to list some of my favorite television shows and movies and why I love them.

I love this show and it's just awesome and I want it to be on everyday.

(Isn't he just...MWAHHH!!)

This one is kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I don't know why I love it exactly.

I love this show so much because it's just so much fun. The finale was on the last night and I'm so happy about who won. 

I'm not caught up with it all the way yet, but I am slowly falling in love with it. 

I love this show. I love it especially because I am planning on being a behavior analyst myself, or just a forensic child psychologist. I haven't seem the past couple episodes, but I've been busy and I plan on catching up soon. 

I haven't really been keeping up with this show, but I've been watching it forever, so I had to include it. 

It's a twisted version of my favorite classic Disney tales... what could be better?

I put these two together because they kind of go together and I love them both. I think Arrow is more action and sort of drama and The Flash is more comedic, so I really enjoy that. And they are kind of back to back when they come on.

(Isn't Oliver Queen, like, the best looking human?)

I also like some anime, so I will just list those...

I'm not fully caught up yet. I would totally be int he Scout Regimen by the way and my brother and I are thinking of saving up some money, getting a bunch friends together, and cosplaying as the top ten and some of the people already in the Scout Regimen so if that ever happens, you guys will hear all about it. 

Haven't caught up here either. And Happy is my favorite. 

This show was only a one season and done kind of thing, but I loved it anyway. 

And now on to the movies...

Disney is just the best thing ever....

I don't know why I love this movie so much, I just do. It's kind of a guilty pleasure. Plus, it doesn't hurt that my favorite actors, Mark Wahlberg, Jason Statham, and Seth Green are all in this movie. 

Remember how I tried reading the book... well, I love the movie. It's one of the best movies ever made in my opinion. 

I don't even have words because this movie is so good. Of course is doesn't hurt that Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (one of the best looking humans) is in it.  

It's a classic and I love it so much. 
I think that's it but it doesn't feel like enough. 

That's all for today. Let me know in the comments what some of your favorite television shows or movies are so we can gush together.

11/27- Authors You're Thankful For
I am thankful for only a handful of authors because they have made an impact on my life, so I'm just going to list them and I would rather not elaborate...

Natalie Babbitt
Rick Riordan
Laurie Halse Anderson
Cassandra Clare
Suzanne Collins

There's my post for today! Sorry it's kind of short and lame, I apologize, but my post tomorrow will be long and full of rage, so don't worry.

11/28- Book Pet Peeves
I feel like I am going to have a lot to say about this one....

1.) Stereotypical Characters with Little to No Character Development
I hate that classic cheerleader character who stays all of the negative adjectives throughout the whole book or series. It makes me want to throw the book which I don't want to do because I like to keep my books in good condition.

2.) Terribly Constructed Love Triangles 
Sometimes, love triangles actually work, but that's only because the author is able to construct it beautifully. In my opinion, Cassandra Clare crafted the best love triangle in YA history in the Infernal Devices Series. Clare is able to make us fall in love with both Jem and Will as Tessa is. When Tessa is with Will, we are convinced that he is the best for her, but then when she is with Jem, we think he is the best choice! It is the most wonderful confusion and we completely feel for Tessa because we feel as if we are in the same situation she is in.
 For an in the middle love triangle, I would pick the one from the Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas. I call it an 'in the middle love triangle' because Maas is able to make us feel for both Dorian and Chaol, but for Celaena, she never really is in love with them both at the same time, she kind of flip flops between the two boys, meanwhile us as readers love them both at the same time and both of the boys still love Celaena while she goes from Dorian to Chaol to Dorian and back to Chaol. This love triangle (which I still think it is) could be better, but it is not off putting. (*I have not yet read the third book, this is just my observation of the first two)
 For a bad love triangle, I would choose the attempt from The Selection Series by Kiera Cass. Keep in mind I did finish this series because I enjoyed it and loved Maxon if I must admit. Cass tried to make a love triangle, but instead of making the readers fall for both guys, she made us absolutely hate Aspen and praise Maxon. There was always a clear choice for America as the readers saw. Cass tried to create conflict and tension with "the choice" between Maxon and Aspen, but, really, it was always Maxon for the readers. The goal for a love triangle is to make both your protagonist and your readers confused on who is better, for these books, the only person confused was America.

3.) Bad World Building
Yes, I understand you can't just lay down the plans for your world and be like, "Here you go!" You have to ease into it. It bugs me when authors ease into the world too slowly or not at all. There are authors that come up with this world that sounds so great in the synopsis for the book and then you read it and you soon realize all the world building was in the synopsis. One not terribly bad offender is Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne because there is this company that is never explained what exactly it is and everything runs on this one network which is never explained and people use these iPad type things they call tabs which are never described (like televisions are super old and they use big tabs in replacement that run on the Network). I did finish and enjoy the book, but I wanted more in the world building department, but there are more books, so maybe it is explained later. *Side note, it took forever to find out the main character and narrator's name.

4.) Inconsistent/Unpredictable Characters
I am put off by characters who are rude one second and wonderful the next. Not even just like that, but characters who are constantly changing. I also don't like characters who you never know if they will side with your main character or how that character will react to something. For example Braith in Captured by Erica Stevens (by the way, I really like the world building. Just enough information and still left some to be desired). Braith had some serious anger issues so you never knew how he would react to something Aria did. Sometimes Braith was just like, "Okay, we'll figure something out. Everything will be fine," or he would be super enraged. I guess in this world, vampires are quick to anger, but still. The only thing consistent about Braith was that he would do anything to keep Aria safe. If you haven't read this book, you should. It is a pretty decent paranormal romance.

5.) Annoying Characters
I know this is something that every reader has experienced. For me, the book that turned me away with annoying characters was Belle's Song by K.M. Grant. The characters weren't necessarily annoying, I just didn't like them (except Belle, the narrator, was super annoying).

6.) Writing Style That I Don't Gel With
Sometimes, there is just a certain writing style I don't like. One book in particular for this is A Separate Peace by John Knowles. Don't get me wrong, I see the merit in this book, it is a classic and liked by tons of people, I just didn't like the writing style, but I did read the whole book which I am super proud of myself for doing that.

That is all that comes to mind right now, but I'm sure there's more. I did tell you that this post would be longer. If you have any feelings on the things discussed above or if you want to tell me your book pet peeves, comment down below! I will see you all tomorrow with another post!

11/29- The Future of Your Blog
I don't really want to say all of the things that I think will happen in the future in regards for this blog because I simply do not know. But, I do have hopes. I hope I can meet new wonderful friends and do collaborations and make an impact however small it may be. I hope I can make someone's day with one of my lame jokes if they ever stumble upon my little corner of the internet. I hope I get to blog forever because I love doing this. I know I've only been blogging for a short time, but I find so much happiness in it that I never want to stop.

P.S. Sorry this post was a little late in the day. I meant to write it this morning (I even went on Blogger), but for some reason I decided to play video games (Assassin's Creed Unity, actually) instead.

I hope to see you all again tomorrow with another post!

Sorry that this post was so long, but it is a pain to link things because I have to go on the thing I want to link on my phone, copy and paste the URL into the notes section and then type it into the little box. If I type it wrong, it won't work. Anyway, I had so much fun with #BookBlogWriMo and I hope it happens next year as well. I think my favorite posts were the Cheating on Books one and Book Pet Peeves because they were so much fun to write. Let me know how your #BookBlogWriMo went if you participated and you can comment on any of the posts above and I will see you all soon with another post!

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