Sunday, November 2, 2014

#BookBlogWriMo 11/2- How You Read

Hello again! Here it is! Day two of #BookBlogWriMo!

I do very little as I read. I open up the book and read the words. Nothing special. Sometimes, if I know I want to review it later, I will take notes, especially if it's a book that I've reread and I'm going to review, I will take notes in my "Reviews" notebook, but I don't do that often.

I never write in my books. NEVER. I don't want anything to disturb my books. I want them looking the same as they did the day I received them. I even hate it when I read paperbacks and the cover gets all bent. I HATE THAT! I don't eat while I'm reading because I don't want food on my books. I hate it when the pages even get a little bent. I know I might sound crazy, but that's how I feel! I always use book marks for this specific reason, too. If I lend out a book and they dog ear the pages, I will go ninja on their face. I'm not joking.

I don't really care how I read the book. I prefer hardcover because they just look prettier on the shelves and the whole paperback cover thing. I do like E-Readers only because it's easy to carry around and you get the book at a lower price and instantly. I wish my Kindle worked, but it doesn't and it's too expensive to get a new one, but I don't mind the only have physical copies thing. I do read on my smartphone, too, because I can still get E-Books from Amazon on to my Kindle app and I can read it on the bus and not hurt someone when it comes to a sudden stop and my book goes flying. And I don't get judgmental looks from people. I know that, "You would rather read than be on the internet?" is the only thing going through their heads when I'm reading from a physical book. Also, a lot of E-Books are free!

I hope you enjoyed my post and I would love to know your reading rituals, so leave them in the comments! I will see you all tomorrow with another post.


  1. Loved the post!!! I never take notes for reviews, which I should but I'm just too lazy..... I completely agree with the dog ears and writing in books. I don't know how people do that :o
    I differ from you then completely on everything else :P

    1. I don't even highlight on eBooks! I know I'm weird. And I can't read eBooks for an extended period of time unless I'm hooked on the book.


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